Online Giving

When you donate to First Church you help:
- UMCOR Hurricane/Flood Relief (Mission & Outreach Fund) Recent hurricanes (August 2021) have caused major flooding and destruction. If you would like to help, please write a check and put hurricane relief in the memo line. You may also donate online on our church website. 100% of your donation will go directly to relief efforts.
- Feed the hungry. (Mission & Outreach Fund) Every month we prepare and serve over 300 meals for those in need in our community.
- Spread the news of God’s love as we help support Patrick Booth, a UMC missionary serving in Cambodia.
- Those who are experiencing disasters. Through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, long-term recovery aid is made available.
- Those who are homeless. We not only provide a monthly meal at the Central Iowa Shelter and Services but we donate to the women and children’s shelter through Hawthorn Hill.
- Support the various programs at First Church such as learning opportunities, children’s Christian education, worship, fellowship etc..

Why Give to First Church?
Here at First Church we believe that when we give we are able to participate in the work to which God has called us.

Thank you for giving!
All we have is a gift from God…
We’re called to give our financial resources. God uses our financial gifts to redeem and transform this world.
Northwest Iowa Flood Relief Giving

All proceeds from the Kent Tritle concert will be given to the Clay County Community Foundation. This organization provides grants to those struggling to recover from the recent floods. Thank you for your generous donation!