Welcome to First church

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Join us for worship

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am

1001 Pleasant St 

Des Moines, IA 50309

Our Vision Statement

To be a Church that demonstrates justice, love and inclusion for all. All means all.

Our Mission Statement

To connect people with God, to build a welcoming and inclusive community that serves our neighbors through actions of justice and love, and to develop disciples of Jesus Christ.

A Reconciling Congregation:

First United Methodist Church, at the top of 10th Street in downtown Des Moines, strives to love others as Christ loves us and, in doing so, to be the Body of Christ in word and deed. 

As the Body of Christ, we welcome and affirm all of God’s children, knowing that each is created in the image of God. We welcome and affirm people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, races, ethnicities, family configurations, and physical and mental capabilities to join us in full participation as we come together to worship God and then go out to share God’s love in the world around us.

A Note:

The land on which the First United Methodist Church building sits, the land which we occupy when we worship, was once the home of the oBaakiiwaki-hina-ki (Sauk), the Meskawaki-asa-hina (Fox), and the Baxoje Maya (Ioway). We honor them.

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